
At War with Inner Enemies**

Posted in Encouragement, Family, Musings, Self-Awareness tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , at 12:34 pm by The Water Bearer

I started this blog for a number of reasons. I have a strong desire to share with others how to recognise and overcome our inner enemies. I hoped my experiences would prevent others from being captives of lies and destruction in their lives. Yet recently the Lord allowed me to come face-to-face with a new level of my own inner war.

I had known for a few weeks that a trial was coming in the form of a get-together. I knew that my forgiveness and trust would be challenged. I won’t lie and tell you I wasn’t anxious. I wasn’t afraid of who may come at me, I was concerned about how I may react if my boundaries were challenged and the situation turned ugly. I still don’t trust myself or my reactions when faced with inner enemies from my past. I know I need to keep my boundaries strong when they are shot at and stomped upon, but strong boundaries are a relatively new practice for me and I have yet to test them properly against the ‘big guns’ in my life, not enough to feel secure in them anyway.

I decided to go on a 3 day fast, and to pray for God to hold me in His safe grip. I reminded myself that all is in God’s hands and to be prepared, rather than taken unaware, if the situation turned down an ugly path.

The shock factor is what sends me into an uncontrollable spiral, so I try to avoid being shocked if at all possible.

I sensed the spiritual pressure building a day or two before the test, my reactions were aggressive and volatile. I kept praying, and filling myself with the word of God, apologising to all around me for my prickly nature. The trial came and went without drama, but it was when I relaxed in the aftermath that my inner enemies saw fit to sink their claws into me and my old insecurities. This was an onslaught from left field and I was entirely shocked!

For the following 3days I was completely overwhelmed with spiritual attack, I believed the lies they were feeding me, and allowed them to control my reactions and emotions. No matter how much I prayed or read my Bible, I couldn’t lift my head out from the murkiness to see clearly. I truly believed every lying thought in my head. My attack opened the door, inviting itself into my home. Arguments and tears flooded the rooms, harsh words and discord became rampant. Love, joy, peace and truth were nowhere to be found!

On the fourth day the curse was broken and I saw….

My enemies had been telling me I was failing God, that I would never complete His request of me to write His novel. That my Husband didn’t really support my writing, or understand me, or love me for all my uniqueness, lies provoking thoughts that all my blessings were a moment from collapse. No matter how hard I tried to explain, hoping someone would convince me differently, I was left hanging over the abyss with only lies to keep me company.

In my usual analytical fashion I assessed myself trying figure out what had inspired this attack. Besides the fact that I am usually spiritually challenged around a full moon, and had the lingering residual pressure from the get-together. I was also facing strong emotions as I cleaned out old boxes, ones which had belonged to my Dad and had been sitting in my garage, since he passed.

As I sit here and reflect on it all, I feel so weak for allowing my old insecurities to rise up and cause dysfunction in my family. I’ve confessed, I’ve praised, I’ve sobbed for my Dad, wishing him to be here to pray for me, like he used to, when times like this arise and I am left exposed and vulnerable.

Yet I can’t help but understand that something huge happened in the spiritual realm as a result of all this. Plus of course my own massive realisations. New levels of self-awareness, humility and growth. Renewed faith and confidence in God’s strength to still pull me out of all the dark times, and all in His perfect timing and not mine.

I would love for all my posts to be filled with encouragement from my accomplished victories, rather than wallowing in despondent self-assessment. Yet I refuse to hide from the truth of my weakness, and will give glory for the only strength that gets me through. His!


  1. This post was truly awesome. As you shared, although I don’t know the details, it’s like I was right there. In spite of what you think was failure, I too sense was a victory. Before you wrote those words, I sensed that it was a breakthrough. Not all breakthroughs are “good” or perceived to be. Some of it is messy and hard to deal with, but it was no less a victory!! Awesome post. Keep up the good work. That is what happens when we fast and pray!! Blessings!


    • Thank you so much from a tattered humbled heart. Yet victorious all the same! Blessings right back!


  2. I completely understand…..


  3. GodGirl said,

    Thank you for sharing your struggles – they are just as helpful as the ‘victory posts’, as people can so easily relate I think to the way Satan attacks us when we are taking ground for Him. I think what’s been happening is the lead up to your victory in Christ. Keep on writing what needs to be written. The world needs people like you to inspire us and draw us closer to His heart. You are a blessing.


    • Thank you so much for your kind encouraging words. I have been battling the enemy for so long and yet I am still shocked and knocked of my feet, with violent attacks. It must really annoy him that I keep getting back up! Hallelujah!! Blessings to you!


      • GodGirl said,

        Keep on annoying him cos God’s going to use you! God bless,


  4. kaylagulick said,

    Very nicely done!


    • Thanks Lovely 🙂 p.s. thanks for the confirmation and encouragement I got for this post from yours! xx


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