
Connecting with Questions*

Posted in General, Musings tagged , , , , , , , , , at 3:46 pm by The Water Bearer

There are many things I can say that I enjoy about my new work place (when I say ‘new’ I mean I’ve been there for about 8 months). I really enjoy the company of the staff (in fact I often get a little too excited with my sharing, because I like them so much), we share stories and recipes, music and jokes. I like that the customers are mostly lovely and often enjoy a chat as much as me, (my nickname at work is ‘Chats’). It is not stressful (even though my anxiety still rears its ugly head from time to time). I enjoy the work of helping others, I like how nice, tidy and professional it is. I like the relaxed flow of energy that fills the halls each day. I like that they encourage me to be creative with designing fliers, writing marketing emails and newsletters. I like that they don’t mind if I read or write when things get slow and quiet. I love that I can be home each afternoon with my girls when they get home from school.

I know, I know, I am so Blessed!! Thank you Lord!!

However, the thing I currently like most about my new place of work is the white board in the kitchen…..

Why on earth??? You may ask….

Well it’s because of the ..“Life Changing Question of the Week”..Obviously! 😉

Someone randomly writes a thought provoking question on the whiteboard and everyone writes their answers underneath. It has become a source of insight into our fellow colleagues and gives us a point of reference for office discussions. It brings us all together, even those who do the night or weekend shifts, who don’t get much interaction with everyone on staff. This way everyone can join in..

Here is an idea of types of questions we have been asked….

*Would you willingly give up your arms, if you knew you would grow wings in their place?

*Would you give up sleep, if you knew you would never get tired again?

*How do you measure your level of success?

*If you could stop being you and become anyone else, who would you choose to be and why?

*If you had to be on a deserted island with anyone, other than your partner, for 12 months who would you choose?

*If you had access to one return trip in a time machine, how would you use it?

*If your house was burning down (and all the people and pets were safe) what 3 objects would you try and save?

As you can imagine there have been many laughs, opinions and stories shared as a result of this magical whiteboard. It gives a lovely connection to us all, which is my favourite thing EVER!

Aren’t connections so wonderful and often under appreciated??!!

For many years now it has been common for me to encourage others to play “Questions and Answers” with friends both old and new. You know the game where I ask you a question and you answer honestly and then it’s your turn to ask something, and back and to until we have a better understanding of each other. It kills awkward silences, it shows each other you are interested in them, it sheds light into each others thoughts and experiences. You may think this is usually the result of normal conversations, and for some this is true, but for those who have a hard time making small talk, opening up or interacting on a deeper level this game can be a fabulous tool. Plus it keeps things on an even keel, especially if one tends to talk over the other somewhat …(No … I have no idea of anyone like that  😉 Hahaha)

It was a fabulous new joy to play this game with my Husband and two girls one night recently. The girls had so many questions to fire at their Dad because he has always been less forthcoming with them of his own stories than I have. We spent an evening sharing ourselves openly, we learned more about each other than we already knew, we felt closer and loving, and understood each other a little better. I recommend you try it too!

I love people, people are so interesting to me, new perspectives, different opinions and views. You are all unique and special and I would really like to get to know you all better, experience more joys of connection, so if you want to play along, please add your answers to the “life Changing Questions of the Week” in the comments and lets get to know each other a little better. If you don’t feel like answering, I would still love to hear what you think of connecting with questions. Blessings to you all!


  1. I absolutely love these ideas!!! And the board at work is wonderful. It all about learning and growth.


    • Thank you Im so glad you enjoyed it. It really is a terrific way to grow with others. 🙂 Blessings Dear Sister!


  2. What a great post and I love the ideas, I hope you don’t mine if I borrow a few of these questions for our white board at work. Thank you for the uplifting message and have a great Saturday.


    • I hope the connections they bring you at work are as enjoyable as mine. Thank you for reading and for your kind words. Please come back and let me know how you went. Oooh and Id love to hear your answers too. 🙂 Blessings to you


  3. *If you had access to one return trip in a time machine, how would you use it? I love this question! I would go to the time when Jesus was preaching at the sea of Galilee and it was so crowded he had to stand in a boat. I would wait at the edge of the crowd until it dispersed and sit with him on the beach and listen….leaning my head on his shoulder…


  4. This is a really great idea and i love that you shared it with your family and the results brought you closer. One of the keys I have found to a happy marriage is not to make assumptions, i.e. not assuming that I know my husband as well as I ever will. Particularly when we go on trips together I ask him all sorts of questions as if I am just getting to know him. I almost always learn something new!


    • Thank you for your wonderful comment. Yes it is very true, people are so complex and we only limit our own awareness by thinking we have reached all the edges of another. I am like you, and I love discovering something new about a loved one. 🙂 Blessings to you!


  5. Denise Hisey said,

    Love this!
    I think I’ll use it as a starting point for a future gathering!
    Thanks for the idea!


  6. […] have a note pad and a pen with me and I’m thinking about a post I read this morning by Inner angels and enemies where the writer asked some very thought-provoking […]


  7. mindfuldiary said,

    Sounds like a great place to work! 🙂 They are lucky to have YOU in their team.


    • How nice of you… But truth be told I probably drive them all bonkers!! I Never shut up! Hahaha They all probably breath a sigh of relief when I walk out the door. Lol! 😉 Thank you for your comment and for following my blog I appreciate that very much…You made lucky number 70! Blessings to you!


  8. […] a recent post I explained how I adored our office white board and its ‘Life changing question of the […]


  9. dilipnaidu said,

    Interesting thoughts. My first visit and enjoyed your blog.


  10. Sounds wonderful! Love the ideas.


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