
Reader Appreciation Award! Thank you!*

Posted in Encouragement, General tagged , , , at 10:04 pm by The Water Bearer

I received this award some time ago, yet as time is my enemy I have only just been able to get around to accepting it. Big, huge, gigantic thanks to George at Personal Growth  for the kind gesture of nominating Inner Angels & Enemies for ‘The Reader Appreciation Award’. I am truly grateful to be included in this group. Please check out George’s blog as it really deserves it’s nomination for this award. George has many wonderfully insightful posts that are a true pleasure to read.

Now the rules for accepting this award are as follows:

  • Add a picture of the award to your blog.
  • Thank the blogger who nominated you and include a link to their blog.
  • Nominate 5-10 other Bloggers and inform those selected that they have been nominated

There are so many wonderful blogs out there, and I thoroughly enjoy reading them (Unfortunately I often have a hard time keeping up with you all! You are such a creative, and productive bunch!)

Anyway I will pass this award onto the following blogs, I hope you check them out and see why they deserve this nomination:

I really wanted to nominate all the blogs I have previously nominated but I couldn’t fit you all in. You have all become so important to me, for your loyalty and companionship, your constant support and encouragement. You all know who you are and if I had an award for ‘Most loyal blogging family members’ I would be handing it out to you all!

Thank you for helping me gain some feedback for my writing, you are a great comfort to me and have encouraged me to keep going on the often uncertain road of a writer.


  1. Love reading your posts. And thank you, I’m honoured to be included in your list. 🙂


    • The Water Bearer said,

      Thank you Diana, and you are very welcome, I love your posts too. 🙂


  2. Girl Please! said,

    Well deserving award. Keep doing what you doing.


    • The Water Bearer said,

      Thanks Girl! Will do 🙂


  3. Congratulations on your award and have a wonderful evening!


    • The Water Bearer said,

      Thank you Tina, same to you! 😉


  4. Congrats! I am honored that you included Let life in practices. Thank you.


  5. Marianne said,

    Congratulation, and well deserved! Thank you so much for nominating my blog, it makes me very happy! 🙂 Keep up your good work! //Marianne


    • The Water Bearer said,

      You are very welcome Marianne! Your blog is great! Blessings to you! 🙂


  6. Hello Water Bearer,
    Thank you so much for the nomination!!!
    I am very honored and grateful to be remembered. I hope to post it on my web site in a few weeks or so.
    I’d like to nominate your blog for an award too; it is a joy reading your posts! (They don’t allow you to give it back to the person who nominated you, do they? If they did, I would!)


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